CONGREGATION ALBERT is a Community Supporter! ~ DISTRICT ATTORNEY SAM BREGMAN Brotherhood Brunch Sunday FEB. 16th 10:00, RSVP must be made by Email!

CONGREGATION ALBERT is a Community Supporter! ~ DISTRICT ATTORNEY SAM BREGMAN Brotherhood Brunch Sunday FEB. 16th 10:00, RSVP must be made by Email!
Welcome to Congregation Albert

Welcome to Congregation Albert, your center for Jewish life in Albuquerque!

RSVP by EMAIL: ~ Pre-pay at or at the door with cash or credit card
RSVP by EMAIL: ~ Pre-pay at or at the door with cash or credit card

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Community Supporters of the NM Jewish Journal include:
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Congregation Albert
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
The Institute for Tolerance Studies
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Temple Beth Shalom
Congregation B'nai Israel
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat

Single Event Announcement:
Save our Jewish Cemetery
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society

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