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PO Box 1293
Corrales, NM 87048

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We are excited to announce that on June 20, 2024, on the eve of publishing our Summer issue, the New Mexico Foundation is now officially the Fiscal Sponsor for the New Mexico Jewish Journal! Donations of any amount are welcomed. For more information, contact Diane at

Make your check out to New Mexico Foundation, indicate on the memo line that it is for the New Mexico Jewish Journal, and mail to:
New Mexico Jewish Journal
PO Box 1293
Corrales, NM 87048.

Donations of $250 and more are acknowledged by letter for tax purposes. All donations will be acknowledged online (indicate if anonymous).

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Community Supporter Advertisers of the NM Jewish Journal:
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Congregation Albert
Temple Beth Shalom
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
The Institute for Tolerance Studies
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Congregation B'nai Israel

Event Announcement Advertisements
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society FALL CONFERENCE
Jewish High Holiday Gathering to Remember

Copyright © 2024-2025 New Mexico Jewish Journal LLC. All rights reserved.

Policy Statement Acceptance of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement of the advertisers’ products, services or opinions. Likewise, while an advertiser or community supporter's ad may indicate their support for the publication's mission, that does not constitute their endorsement of the publication's content.

Copyright © 2024-2025 New Mexico Jewish Journal LLC. All rights reserved.