MIKVAH refresh your creativity poems, stories, art

MIKVAH refresh your creativity  poems, stories, art
Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly Inhabited for untold eons, the canyon holds stories photo © dianejoyschmidt/nmjewishjournal.com

Renew creativity with a plunge into the waters. This page features poetry, short stories, and art. See submission guidelines at "Announce, Write, Draw" tab.

The idea for this page came to me in a dream, I saw waters being poured over women in a sacred pool, being cleansed and refreshed, and I heard the words, "Call it Mikvah, call the journal 'Mikvah'." The mikvah is a place for ritual purity, and is visited by men and women in Jewish traditions during different times. - Ed.

Poetry by Carmen Espinosa

Carmen Espinosa writes poetry, dances, and creates art when she has time and energy left over from her day job.



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Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat
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Academy of Jewish Learning at Congregation B'nai Israel
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