About New Mexico Jewish Journal

About New Mexico Jewish Journal
View from Sandia Peak photo © Diane Joy Schmidt/New Mexico Jewish Journal

The New Mexico Jewish Journal is an independent online publication launched in 2024, New Mexico Jewish Journal: keeping us connected with news, arts, culture and spirituality. Our mission statement is to connect, inform, enrich and celebrate the vibrant and diverse Jewish communities of New Mexico and the region. Our editorial policy follows the Society for Professional Journalists Code of Ethics, with a commitment to maintaining journalistic independence and the highest standards of accuracy and fairness.   

You can chose to sign up for free, at our PORTAL, and you'll be assured of getting our publication, free, and intermediary emails. Every reader counts! And if you subscribe today with a payment you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you are a founding member! Your subscriptions and community support are only what makes your very own state-wide community paper, the New Mexico Jewish Journal, exist, survive, and flourish. Thank you! And as of June 20, 2024, New Mexico Foundation is our Fiscal Sponsor and we can accept donations here: DONATIONS.

Read more about how we came to be, from the first issue: The New Mexico Jewish Journal is now live!. Our Editorial Committee:

Our NMJJ Editorial Committee meeting on March 14, 2024, plotting the launch - and the next issue!

SUBSCRIBE: The New Mexico Jewish Journal is free to subscribe to here, AND, you may also select a monthly or yearly tier, and pay by credit card to support the NMJJ. If you prefer, you may mail a check, and we'll enter your subscription. Remit to (make the check out to):
New Mexico Jewish Journal, LLC
PO Box 1293
Corrales, NM 87048

You may also make a direct deposit at Nusenda Credit Union, 800-347-2838, to the New Mexico Jewish Journal bank account. For account details, email editor@nmjewishjournal.com.


We are excited to announce that as of July, 2024, the New Mexico Foundation is now officially the Fiscal Sponsor for the New Mexico Jewish Journal. Donations of any amount are welcomed. Visit the DONATIONS page for more information.

Please include a note with your email address and mailing address. Donations automatically include a subscription to the Journal so be sure to email and let us know your email address if you are not already a subscriber. Donors will be acknowledged here on the website (unless you ask to remain anonymous).

Donations of $250 and more are acknowledged by letter for tax purposes by the New Mexico Foundation.

You can make donations directly to the New Mexico Foundation, such as from your Donor Advised Fund, designating the New Mexico Jewish Journal as the recipient:. The New Mexico Foundation, 8 CalleMedico, Santa Fe, NM, 87505. Their phone number is (505) 820- 6860.

Questions? Please email Diane at editor@nmjewishjournal.com

Diane Joy Schmidt  Publisher and Editor. Journalist, author and photographer
Sara Koplik, Ph.D.  Director, Hillel, University New Mexico
Rabbi Min Kantrowitz  Rabbi/Chaplain, Albuquerque, and writer
Michael Wald  Lawyer; Board, Jewish Community Foundation, Albuquerque
Norma Libman Journalist, author and educator; Board, NMJHS Society
Claudette Sutton  Editor and writer, Santa Fe
Marla Cohen  Director, Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D.  Institute for Tolerance Studies, Santa Fe
Nan Rubin  Media consultant; past president, Temple Beth-El; Co-founder, community radio Radio KTAL 101.5 FM Las Cruces.

2024 NEWS: We have been awarded an Accelerator Grant by the New Mexico Local News Fund Program and begin their 6-month training program April 1st. As of July 1st our fiscal sponsor is the New Mexico Foundation. On July 26th, we became a member of LION Publishers, Local Independent Online News, the national organization of online news publishers. And, on July 3oth, we signed a letter of agreement with the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice Lawyers for Reporters, who are now our pro bono counsel.

SPECIAL THANKS Contributed advice, suggestions, and corrections (of course!) to making the inaugural issue, launched March 2024, alphabetically: Gloria Abella Ballen, Vicky Camerlingo, Carmen Espinosa, Maria Espinosa, Judith Fein, Sarah Fullmer, Charles Geoffrion, notably Mark Glaser, Shlomo and Michaela Karni, notably Rashad Mahmood, notably Frank Morgan, Jeff Paul, Natalie Reid, notably Erika Rimson, Paula Amar Schwartz, Rabbi Celia Surget, notably Lynn Trojahn, Marcia Torobin, Jorgie Winsberg, Nusenda Bank N. Coors financial consultant Claudia Brambila, Journalist Joann Lublin, SCORE, and as of July, 2024, New Mexico Foundation, Lion Publishers, and the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice Lawyers for Reporters and their pro bono counsel.
Cheering us on: The Jewish communities of New Mexico and the region, and all our ancestors and relations.

Questions? Write to us at editor@nmjewishjournal.com.

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Community Supporter Advertisers of the NM Jewish Journal:
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Congregation Albert
Temple Beth Shalom
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
The Institute for Tolerance Studies
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Congregation B'nai Israel

Event Announcement Advertisements
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society FALL CONFERENCE
Jewish High Holiday Gathering to Remember

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