Run for Their Lives: A Global Movement for Hostage Awareness. Sundays 12:30 JCC

Run for Their Lives: A Global Movement for Hostage Awareness. Sundays 12:30 JCC

by Lea Koshkin

About Us: Run for Their Lives is a non-political global initiative that was established shortly after the tragic events of October 7th. The founders initiated this movement, which now boasts over 200 groups worldwide. Our mission is to raise awareness about the situation of hostages through weekly walks and runs.

Weekly Walk/Run: In Albuquerque, we gather weekly to participate in this cause. Each session begins with a few words about the hostages, followed by a prayer for their safety and return. Afterward, we go for a walk to symbolize our solidarity and commitment to this cause. We walk for the hostages because  they cannot. A photo/ video is taken at each event and sent to the leadership, who compile these images into a video showcasing all the groups participating globally.

Our Purpose: The primary goal of our weekly walk/run is to ensure that the world does not forget about the hostages. Even eight months after October 7th, we continue to walk weekly until all hostages return. This initiative not only raises awareness but also supports our community, bringing together Jewish and non-Jewish individuals in solidarity.

Community Support: Our gatherings provide great comfort to all participants, fostering a sense of unity and support. By coming together, we show our collective resolve and compassion, reinforcing that we stand with the hostages and their families to ensure that the plight of the hostages remains in the global consciousness. 

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