*Table of Contents * New Mexico Jewish Journal Volume 1, No. 1  Spring 2024 Adar II 5784

*Table of Contents * New Mexico Jewish Journal Volume 1, No. 1  Spring 2024 Adar II 5784
Sandhill cranes and Northern Pintail ducks winter at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge photo © Diane Joy Schmidt/NMJewishJournal

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WHAT'S IN OUR FIRST ISSUE? Our editorial committee contributions for this first issue include:

Rabbi Min Kantrowitz, long-time rabbi and chaplain in Albuquerque, shares metaphorical insights about Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees, which continue to be relevant all year long.

Ron Duncan Hart, founder of the Institute for Tolerance Studies in Santa Fe, writes in Jews, Hate Speech, and the Incitement to Violence, about how speaking on a college campus today about Israel triggered a 30-year-old repressed trauma response to being shot at when he was a professor in Colombia.

Norma Libman, journalist, author and educator, profiles Judith Fein on her unique methods of interacting with people to have meaningful and enriching experiences as a traveler and Fein's new book Slow Travel New Mexico!

Claudette Sutton, long-time editor and writer in Santa Fe, conjures the most irresistible haroset, handed down from her Syrian grandmother, in Heritage in a Bowl: My Heirloom Haroset.

Nan Rubin, media consultant, past president of Temple Beth-El Las Cruces, co-founder of Radio KTAL 101.5 fm Las Cruces, and more, muses about the Jewish angle in the movies Oppenheimer and Barbie in Barbenheimer! and updates us on the long struggle by affected communities surrounding the Trinity atomic bomb test site to receive compensation.

Gloria Abella Ballen, artist and author, has contributed her artwork Shema Israel for our inaugural issue that opens us to portals beyond.

Diane Joy Schmidt, journalist, author and photographer, is the New Mexico Jewish Journal's publisher and editor, chief cook and bottle-washer, journalist, writer, photojournalist, and now, neophyte website designer. 😺

We have three important resource lists for this issue compiled by New Mexico Jewish Journal editorial staff and with contributions from readers. LISTS will be a regular feature, and will be archived under a LIST tab for future reference.

Our founding editorial committee also includes Sara Koplik, Director of Hillel at the University of New Mexico, Michael Wald, lawyer and Jewish Community Foundation board member, and Marla Cohen, President of the Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces.

See more about our committee, and a group photo, at the ABOUT page.

Also included is ABQJew ® with important links to events, classes and listing of Jewish resources and synagogues across the state. And their article about us!

And: Here we tell you what we told you and explain what we meant.

Access all sections - Did you notice the tabs at the top of the home page on your computer? On an ipad/tablet click the three dots, or on a cell phone, the three bars, at the top corner of your screen, for the drop-down menu, to see all the sections:
LIFE CYCLE ANNOUNCEMENTS tab to see what your friends have been up to! Under Life Cycle Announcements we invite robust community participation.

MIKVAH - Refresh your creativity tab- a very special section for poems, art and short stories hidden under this tab. Our first issue features three poems by Carmen Espinosa. Carmen and her mother, the nationally award-winning novelist Maria Espinosa, moved to Albuquerque from San Francisco a decade ago.

View: "Announce, Write, Draw, Submit" for all submission details.

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Community Supporters of the NM Jewish Journal include these advertisers:
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Congregation Albert
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
The Institute for Tolerance Studies
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat
Temple Beth Shalom

Event advertisers:
Academy of Jewish Learning at Congregation B'nai Israel
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces

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